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Guaranteed Improvement Kit: BLUE SERIES

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ISBN: 9781869746902
KIT SIZE - number of pens

This Kit contains:

*All books can be audio-assisted via the Reading Pen.
**Activities come on a USB Card and download link. There are 5 title-specific activities for each book to deepen comprehension and learning: Running Records, CLOZE, Dice Game, Text Sequencing, Word Search and Writing.

The awesome book titles in the New Heights series are:

  1. All Aboard
  2. Body Art
  3. Carlos Tries Out
  4. Choosing Teams
  5. Class Photo
  6. Click for Camp
  7. Cold Fear
  8. Elevators
  9. Follow the Flow
  10. Going for Gold
  11. The Great Debate
  12. Keeping Your Cool
  13. Lamron ˗ Performing Artist
  14. Old Friends, New Friends
  15. Pterosaurs
  16. Race Against Death
  17. Rattlesnake
  18. Rescue Mission
  19. Seahorses
  20. Unexplained Mysteries

The awesome book titles in the Rainbow series are:

  1. Aqua Taxi
  2. Australian Outback Adventure
  3. Biking the Porika
  4. Cooking with the Sun
  5. Detector Dogs
  6. Diwali: An Indian Celebration
  7. Emma: Cheese Maker
  8. Finders Losers
  9. Girl Racer
  10. Log Loading
  11. Mice
  12. Misadventure at Sea
  13. SCUBA: Underwater Invention
  14. The Perfect Shot
  15. The Yellow Admiral Butterfly
  16. Time Capsule
  17. Too Easy
  18. Turning Trees into Logs
  19. Under the Service Station
  20. Underage Driver


Everything you need to start a group of up to 3 students (1 conferencing with teacher/tutor, 1 or 2 learning independently with a pen each) at this reading level.


New Heights: 12 pages, 19.5cm high x 13.5cm wide
Original Rainbow: 8 pages, 18.5cm high x 12.7cm wide

USB Card: 8.3cm x 5.2cm

Net: 14.5cm x 3cm x 2.5cm - only 50 grams!
In box: 17.1cm x 8.6cm x 3.6cm